Simple. Cool. Clean. Grey. Flooring.

Simple. Cool. Clean. Grey. Flooring.
1-unit loading grey - hardWear finish

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

This guy is right.

I was just reminded to take personal responsibility, no matter what I or you are doing.  There is no greater mindset for you and everyone else.

Here's what reminded me:

He's absolutely right.  Providing PPE (personal protection equipment) is an employer's responsibility, and we should never encourage dangerous behavior.  We should chide our guys when they are not wearing respirators, or glasses when appropriate, but I think back to every time I told my guys their safety was my concern and cringe now.  Carelessness is the real enemy.  The way to fight carelessness is to point out who is really gambling the most with safety.  I can't wait to re-address this with my crews before they go out tomorrow.  The takeaway for you?  Whatever you are doing, take personal responsibility.  There is no greater mindset for you and everyone else.  Encourage this with others, and maybe we will all do less stupid things and live better.  Amen?

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